By John R Hernandez@NDMH-USA 2015

“Now that the ball is rolling, all Satan has to do is sit back and watch it all come into play. Bonfires of Bibles going up in smoke, ISIS in control of the biggest piece of real estate in the Middle East, children deceived into believing God isn’t real, Christians beheaded in record numbers, churches going up in flames due to low turn outs and eminent domain laws, and the soon coming mark of the beast rolling out as planned. It’s all about big business, the stock markets, the profits and shell games that make all of that happen. Along with the scams and schemes that turn the wheels of propaganda and unrest, which fuels the murdering hearts of the actors who are paid to fan the flames of ethnic insurrection, political unrest, weapons deals, and vital interests -maintained!” JRH-NDMH-USA 2015

“Lately our Christian way of life has been under attack by the forces of Satan. We are his victims, his focus; something he has been planning and waiting to do for ever, since he was thrown down from Heaven. If you follow the story you’ll know he was once a powerful and popular Angel in God’s Heaven who had everything going for him. But, that wasn’t enough he had to rebel, to act on his selfish and egotistic compulsion -which- he could not control. It is exactly these characterful flaws which Satan today and through the ages has used specifically to break man down, to twist his character, deprave his holy nature, and distort his spiritual reality.

He managed to gather a good deal of Heavens angels against God’s host but, was not successful and so he and them where excommunicated and vanished from the sight of God. Henceforth he set his eyes on the prize at the center of God’s plan for humanity which He had created in His own image and likeness. God allowed Satan to have free reign in the same world where God had planted His creation, His one man and one woman. This is he first time God had made a man, and then one woman for that man. But later on we see Satan circumventing God’s authority over the free will of both these created creatures.

And so their sinfulness led God to remove them from His paradise along with the Devil, who caused it to happen. I will put enmity between you and the woman and to the man he told all the days of your life you shall struggle to survive. Today we see a woman who has chosen to follow God’s word, being thrown into jail. Because she has refused to go against God and violate her religious and moral convictions; while she has continued to do the job she has done for 27 years. There are no words that could describe how proud I am of this woman and how disgusted I am with the corrupt laws that have been passed and the corrupt officials who enforce them.

Brave firemen raising our flag on World Trade Centers site

On September 11, 2001 Radical Islam walked into America and declared our destruction and its Jihad against us though these same corrupt officials who continue to throw their noses up in the air and pretend they don’t hear or see what is going on. If today America is at war with a sadistic and heinous side of Islam; whom it appears the better side (if there is a better side?) is yet to stand up and tell us what it thinks and what it plans to do? It would behoove us all to take a closer look at what is happening here? Because we don’t have much time left before the next 9/11 takes place.

Today when our armed forces barracks, recruiting centers, and anyone who stands up against Radical Islam (assuming -once again- that there are two sides?) can be singled out and face retribution? If we have eyes, because I feel, some of us still have enough conscience left to see what is going on here? Soon what has been taking place in Syria, Iraq, and most of Europe will begin to creep in more and more into this nation. Not that it is not already here and taking place but, that there are those in higher places in our government and others who are fronting their financial apparatus.

Who are allowing this to come true, which will eventually get to that point where it will make what is going on in Europe look like child’s play; compared to what will happen here in the near future. Our political infrastructure has become a joke with clowns struggling to become our new president. Simply because they believe they can do the job and we deserve them. Each and every one of them will tell us why we need them and why they have the best plan for us and our nation.

But none of them do, because our political parties have become a charade. Controlled by party bosses who every time they go to the hill its not about us but about them; their properties, their bank accounts, their friends, and the good times they will have until they get kicked out of the office they never deserved to serve in. That you do not see this is nothing new to me. Why, after all the laws that have been passed to destroy and tear down the very foundations of this nations creation?

After all the attacks by radical Islam against our citizens? Where very little is being discussed about this up on the hill or during this campaign, and the ones who do say something can only cry out veiled threats. Because they have the party bosses to answer to; and who wants to rock the boat? Each side in return eventually has to answer to the same industries that produce the weapons, which continue to keep the lights on in the Pentagon and elsewhere. Now that the ball is rolling, all Satan has to do is sit back and watch it all come into play.

This is what the religion of peace thinks of us

As bonfires of bibles go up in smoke, ISIS takes control of the biggest piece of real estate in the Middle East, children are deceived into believing God isn’t real, Christians are beheaded in record numbers, churches go up in flames due to low turn outs and eminent domain laws, and the soon coming mark of the beast rolls out as planned. It’s all about big business, the stock markets, the profits and shell games that make all of that happen. Along with the scams and schemes that grease the wheels of propaganda and unrest, which fuels the murdering hearts of the actors who are paid to fan the flames of ethnic insurrection, political unrest, weapons deals, and vital interests maintained!” JRH-NDMH-USA 2015





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