By John R Hernandez@NDMC-INTERNATIONAL 201534ce9-kerry2bkisses2bayatolah2b10550895_363667193828296_7635472458519429823_n

“It was suggested to Iran, for instance, that it stop peddling little girls as sex slaves for old men. The recommendation received this reply: “in light of Islamic teachings, a person that has reached the age of maturity and is of sound mind has the possibility of marrying.”(1)a. By Anne Bayefsky Published March 29, 2015

“If you take anything away from this article I would hope that it would one question. Why would President Barack Hussein Obama, his administration, and the UN allow themselves to let the Ayatollah of Iran get a hold of hundreds of billions of dollars that have been held frozen for countless decades. Simply at his word or that of his governmental council? Knowing that this man and his regime are nothing less than a bunch pathological liars and bloodthirsty psychopathic killers?

Witnessed by the countless atrocities perpetrated against the Iranian people since the 1979 revolution. But as if that was not enough organizations have come together to make it more legitimate by requiring that, “What needs to be done to stop executions and rights abuse [in Iran]?Further punitive steps are required against Iran’s highest authorities to:Make all trade relations with Iran contingent upon a stop to executions and human rights violations;Refer Iran’s human rights dossier to the UN Security Council;Bring perpetrators of the human rights crimes in Iran before the International Criminal Court and international justice.”0ad81-obama2bmuslim

Instead Obama, Kerry, the UN and the Global Army of Political Incorrect fools take it upon themselves to make decisions that could have far reaching disastrous consequences for masses of generations to come. So far Anti-Semitic Radical Islamic Terrorist refugees have been known to paint swastikas on the streets of Europe as a sign of what is to come for Jews. As they settle in to every nook and cranny the European Union and Angela Merkel prepares for them. What else can be expected from savages whose practice of enslaving and torturing women is to cover their bodies with bed sheets?

The following are examples of UN resolutions as compared with those of Iran, Israel, Syria. “Four resolutions on Israel. And one on Syria. Where the death toll of four years of war [in Syria] is 100,000 civilians, ten million people are displaced, and barrel bombs containing chemical agents like chlorine gas are back in action.”(2)b. It’s important to understand that resolutions while they carry the wight of a paper clip do little to intervene or change the downward spiral of atrocities committed by the Islamic Republic of Iran today.8d545-muslims_capitol

On Iran the UN in the face of hundreds of thousands of atrocities somehow was able to muster only, “one [resolution] on Iran [in 2014]. Where there is no rule of law, no free elections, no freedom of speech, corruption is endemic, protesters are jailed and tortured, religious minorities are persecuted, and pedophilia is state-run. At last count, in 2012 Iranian courts ordered more than 30,000 girls ages 14 and under to be “married.”(3)c.

The last time the people of Iran stood up in defiance of their enslavement and other abuses of human rights, mental tortures, physical abuses, forced rapes and sodomy, beatings and stoning, and suppression of woman’s right in society? Government’s denials helped sweep the truth under the prayer rugs; as the blood of protesters dried along the sidewalks and streets of Iran. While the one UN resolution aimed at Iran was labeled -a three paragraph- Short Procedural Text.behead1

Made up of a sparse scolding on three paragraphs with no open condemnation of Iran. By its own admittance, when on a weekly basis Iran can be heard calling for death to Israel and the US. Iran’s Ayatollah can be likened to North Korea as a conscienceless monster. Adding to what Bayefsky reveals that, “The [four]Israel resolutions, on the other hand, were full of “demands,” “condemns,” “expresses grave concern,” and “deplores” – along with orders to “cease immediately” a long list of alleged human rights violations.”(4)d.

All falling on deaf ears, while she notes that, “Ninety percent of states – inhabited by 6.6 billion people – got no mention at all. Countries like China, Qatar, Russia, and Saudi Arabia. For the UN, there was not one human rights violation worthy of mention by any of these human rights horror shows.”(5)e. It is obvious that there is a clear bias against some countries accused of human rights violations. Over others who appear to get a free pass on what are clearly serious Crimes Against Humanity.c2e0a-barak2bobama2band2bhis2btop2bmuslim2bfinancial2bsupporter2bbrother2bmalik2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2bschermata-2015-04-24-alle-17-51-29-1024x577

Which the Assembly of Nations that make up the UNHRC appear to be walking a thin line between the truth and what is passed off as the truth. As the Islamic Republic of Iran shamefully looks over and regulates by state media and its bloodthirsty regime, doctrines of religion and state policy. Which, appears some UN Assembly members to be that “Playing at caring about human rights is the U.N. game. And no state does it better than [the Islamic Republic of Iran].”(6)d.

ALL tantamount to one of the worst of human rights abuses against women. Though there were outcries from many individuals and groups worldwide; for the most part all has fallen on the deaf ears of the United Nations Criminal Court. FOR ITS FAILURE TO VERBALLY CENSOR, CASTIGATE, AND OR INDICT IRAN FOR ITS HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS! Unlike the audible cries of crimes against humanity one hears from the UN whenever Israel defends itself against savages killing their children on the streets of Jerusalem?14065691131961_700

Quite a double standard from an organization one would think it’s attention to the atrocities Iran has been perpetrating against men, women, and children would have some positive results. As the protesters continued to be shot dead, on the streets of Iran. It’s business as usual for the UN, Obama, the Ayatollah and his bloodthirsty regime! In conclusion very little has been done to stem the rising relentless tide of Crimes Against Humanity by the Islamic Republic of Iran”

Included for your edification is the following dozier on Obama’s Religion of Peace the Islamic Republic of Iran, courtesy of

“Two celebrated Iranian poets, Fatemeh Ekhtesari and Mehdi Musavi, will be lashed 99 times for the offense of shaking hands with the opposite sex. The two will also serve lengthy prison terms on charges of ‘insulting the sacred” and “propaganda against the state.” It’s just the latest in a long string of human rights abuses, outlined in a report released by the UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights in Iran on Tuesday”.

“The human rights situation in the country remains dire,” the Special Rapporteur Ahmed Shaheed said in a briefing at the United Nations on Tuesday. Despite the recent diplomatic deal over Iran’s nuclear program which has produced a warming of relations with the West, Shaheed noted that there remains “a strong disconnect between the professed policy of engagement and the behavior of authorities on the ground.”

Appalling situation of human rights in Iran

“120,000 political prisoners killed under the current regime
30,000 political prisoners massacred within a few months in 1988
Hundreds of thousands have been imprisoned and tortured on political grounds
700 people executed in first half of 2015, including numerous women, the equivalent of more than 3 executions per day, or one every 8 hours
74 types of torture used against prisoners.”

What has been done so far?

“Human rights violations in Iran have been systematically recorded and reported to UN Special Rapporteurs, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Amnesty international and other international human rights organizations by PMOI (MEK) and NCRI representatives in past three decades. Rights abuses have been brought to the attention of the UN Human Rights Council in every Council session.
61 UN General Assembly resolutions, latest in December 2014, obtained to condemn Iranian regime for its human rights abuses.
Human rights organizations have issued statements and urgent appeals.
In August 2011, the UN Human Rights Council appointed a Special Rapporteur on human rights in Iran but as of today he has been denied a visa to go to Iran.”

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(1)a-(6)d. By Anne Bayefsky Published March 29, 2015 FoxNews.com

Iran | Human Rights Watch
Human Rights Watch
In 2014 Iran had the second highest number of executions in the world after China, and … in 2013, the country has seen no significant improvements in human rights. … wider powers and continue to be the main perpetrators of rights abuses. …

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